Elsewhere on this site
Cambodia page (site guide, links to news and politics)
Photos on political themes
Some notes I wrote at the time
Other sites
Sam Rainsy Party
News Index - Rainsy (current stories)
Human Rights Watch: Fair Elections Not Possible
Democratic Cambodia? Whatever the election result, a need for outside help by Lao Mong Hay, Khmer Institute for Democracy
An Election Is a Good Step, No Matter What the Outcome by Tony Kevin (July 22, 1998)
Cambodia: Analysis From Washington by Paul Goble (Radio Free Europe, Aug 17, 1998)
Amnesty International: Demonstrations Crushed
Cambodia: A Reasonably Fair Election by Stephen Solarz (Washington Post, September 4, 1998)
Election in Cambodia: Mirage on the Mekong (G21 ASIA)
Cambodia's Elections Turn Sour (International Crisis Group)
1998 Human Rights Report - Cambodia (US State Dept)
Here I am quoted in E-mail is a real revolution (Salon magazine, March 15, 1999) , by Kyra Dupont and Eric Pape.
And here's my letter about Kassie Neou printed in the Bangkok Post on May 4, 1999.
1998 National Assembly Elections
 As the Communications Officer for the Sam Rainsy Party, I accumulated hundreds of documents relating to the 1998 elections in Cambodia. I wrote a good many of the documents linked on this page. Others are from Cambodia's National Election Commission, the European Union, and other agencies or organizations that were involved with the elections.
What you're reading here is mine alone. If you need to reach the SRP, e-mail the Cabinet at samrainsy@bigpond.com.kh. I am no longer in Cambodia or working for or representing the SRP.
I'm in the process of building this page, but there is already one giant thing here:
Archive of SRP documents relating to the 1998 election.