La famiglia Garella ~ un potere mondiale
What is it to be a Garella?Garellas are caring...Achilles "Kiel" Garella wrote a high-school paper on the slaughter of African elephants. He is against it.Christophe Garella is a psychotherapist in Aix en Provence, in southeastern France, not far from the Garella heartland. He's cousin to Jean-Brice Garella of JJ Garella fame (see fashionable and sexy, below). Nancy Garella is director of volunteers at Memorial Hospital in Jacksonville, Florida. Serafino Garella, a native of Biella, Piemonte, Italia, was until 2002 a physician at Lutheran General Hospital in Chicago, USA. He also founded Community Health, a free medical clinic for uninsured people in Chicago. Here's a People magazine article about him, and an award he won. In 2004 he was elected to the Consiglio Comunale of Biella. Veena Garella is an architecture and urban planning professor in New Delhi, India, who has studied housing for the poor. She is for it. (Why there are people named "Garella" in India remains a mystery.) Her daughter Jaya Garella is an architect who lives in London; look for her article on New Delhi's "bungalow zone" here. Vera Garella is a dental assistant at a dental practice in Bochum, Germany.
Garellas yearn for justice...Craig Garella of Garella Pest Management in Gillespie, Illinois, USA, is on the front lines of humanity's doomed rebellion against its insect masters.Speaking of our insect masters, Garella rotundipennis lives in Borneo, Java, and New Guinea (don't tell Craig, OK?). It was named by Walker Garella in 1863. See its tymbal organs here! Elena Garella, of Seattle USA, is a lawyer in private practice, with particular interest in civil rights. For a list of Seattle Times articles about her click here. Fabio Garella (Firenze, 1956) is an Italian Senate Adviser and Secretary of the Antimafia Commission. Here's his book The Administration of Constitutional Bodies. Mauro Garella is a lawyer in Venice. Rich Garella worked in Cambodia as press secretary for the democratic opposition party during the bitterly contested elections of 1998. Now he works in the US as a communications consultant, sometime journalist and movie producer.
Garellas are intellectual...Dott. Alessandro Garella is a Neapolitan psychoanalytical researcher.Alex Garella is a student of the ancient art of mummification -- and rocked out his own version of Live Earth!. Karin Garella of Bochum, Germany, looks forward to a career as a librarian. Bochum is in the Ruhr, which could be considered the Piemonte of Germany. Luigi Garella is a film critic making his mark on the site Gli Spietati. Maria Adelaide Garella is a nuclear physicist at the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare in Torino. She's working on the TERA hadrontherapy project (wow). Check out their magic cube! Massimo Garella writes for an Italian punk-rock e-zine called Vida ("piu di un giornale, e un idea per uscire dalla schiavitu delle edicole e liberare la musica"). Until we hear differently, we will assume he is one and the same as Max Garella, the France and Italy correspondent of Edinburgh-based music webzine Prove us wrong. Professor Paolo Giorgio Garella is an economist at the University of Milano. He specializes in industrial economics, microeconomics, economics of information, and banking.
Garellas are fashionable and sexy...Jean-Brice Garella is at JJ Garella design, part of GroupeGarella. Have a look at their shop window in Paris, and read an interview with this famous son of a miner.Hey! We need more in this category!
Garellas are creators...Aldo Garella, a priest in Biella, created a church of his own a couple of years ago. Believe it or not, the court found in 1999 that the design of the church infringed on the copyright of sculptor Pietro Cascella -- and ordered the church demolished!Claudio Garella is the president of Sideco, a company making "converting machinery." His son Paolo is the Director General. Here's a plan of a bridge in Tuscany done in 1810 by engineer Giacinto Garella. Another Elena Garella lives near Parma, Italy. Her hobbies include cooking and digital photography. Guido Garella is an architect who works at INPDAP in Torino. He has two brothers, Franco and Piero, and his father Antonio (detto Mario) also has two brothers, Luigi and Giovanni and three cousins, Giovanni, Giuseppe and Graziella. His grandfather Giuseppe had only one brother, Nicola, whose had sons Antonio, Giuseppe and Luigi. This latter Antonio, in turn, spawned Renato, Giuseppe and Francesca. This too makes them creators. Luciano Garella is some kind of important architect in the Marche, Italy. He recently designed the new headquarters of Castelli (but we don't know what that is). In 1857 the first camera capable of making a 360-degree image was patented by M. Garella of England. A man, a plan, a canal...Garella? Napoleon Garella was an engineer sent out by the French government in 1838 to study and report on the possibility of building a canal through Panama. This would have linked not only two great oceans but also two great palindromes. The other one: Able was I ere I saw...Panama. Paolo Garella is head of the Special Projects group at Pininfarina. He was instrumental in creating the unique Ferrari P4/5 supercar! He's famous, see? Vicenzo Garella is the general manager of Only Glass, an Italian firm "specialized in hot-end repairs."
Garellas are athletic...Barbara Garella is a championship volleyball player in Saluzzo, Piemonte.Bill Garella has golfed for the Community College of Allegheny County and for Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He made it to the Nationals in Pinehurst, North Carolina and finished 25th in the USA.
Giorgio Garella is a personal trainer who lives on Capri, where he has trained the likes of Naomi Campbell and Keanu Reeves! He "can help you achieve any goal you have in mind." Judo expert Riccardo Garella recently took 2nd place in Juvenile C (60kg) at the USJF Junior Nationals in Irvine, California.
Garellas are artistic...Antonio Garella was a sculptor. Here's his 1896 statue of Francesco Datini in Prato, and another view with an English description. And here's a lovely little bust he made.Daniele Garella made the music for Comus, presented at the 1998 Rassegna Internazionale di Teatro, in Firenze. Here's a picture of him, too! Gianpaolo Garella is a poet. Luisa Garella lit up Italian screens a generation earlier, in little-known gems such as Quattro Ragazze Sognano (1943), La Signora in Nero (1943), and La Scuola dei Timidi (1941). Jean-François Garella, whose grandfather was born in Biella, and his wife Soizic run an art and antiquities shop called Arthemes in Cormeray, France (we think). They specialize in 19th century French Impressionism. Marc Garella is the drummer for Balloon Squad, a jangly New Jersey pop band. Nanni Garella is a theater director at Bologna's Arena del Sole. We suspect he is the same who starred in 1988's Il Cuore di Mamma. For generations, the Garellas of Torino have set their fertile minds and nimble fingers to the creation of Lenci dolls. Not only that, but they have helped keep the name "Beppe" alive.
Garellas are resourceful......and apparently marry into America's first families! Jeanine Garella-Standish is a naturalist in Pennsylvania USA who can teach you how to eat weeds...but she has dropped off the web.Alba Garella has transformed an ancient farmhouse into the Il Glicine Bed & Breakfast in picturesque Zimone, Italy. Gina Garella is Chief Financial Officer of Atlas Technology, a New Jersey USA staffing firm. Garellas can even be blonde! Julie Garella was the mastermind of McColl Garella, an investment banking firm serving women-owned businesses, which closed in 2006. "There aren't enough large, sophisticated women-owned businesses to focus solely on that niche," said Julie. But don't worry; she landed softly at CitiGroup. M.I. Garella sells real estate in St. Tropez.
Garellas are fictional...Commander Garella pilots giant warships through space, it seems. Here it is in English, sort of.
Hendrik from Germany is kind enough to call our attention to "the first [Garella] ever reported who certainly does not come in peace, with a message of love and forgiveness," the mafia boss in a 1995 Italian B-movie called Poliziotti. Hendrik translates: "Unexperienced policeman Andrea is shifted from the province of south Italy to Turin and is assigned to guard the imprisoned gang boss Garella. In his older colleague Lorenzo he finds a friend, but even more he is fascinated from the gentleman Garella and particularly his beautiful girlfriend. Too fascinated: Garella escapes during a non-permitted excursion. Ashamed of their failure, Lorenzo commits suicide. From now on Andrea risks everything to find Garella and get revenge for his dead friend."
Garellas are mysterious...At one time, perhaps in the 1930s, there was an archbishop of Garella named Bishop Gabriel Breynat, apparently in Canada's Northwest Territory. The post seemed to be vacant at present. Any takers?More Garellas, especially those with web sites, may contact me if they want to be included on this list. |
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History of the Garella nameIl nome Garella e citato per la prima volta in atti del Comune di Biella nel 1280. Ci sono almeno due localita con il toponimo Garella, una in citta e l'altra tra Biella e Vercelli detta Cascina Garella, e questo vuol dire che e un nome da lungo tempo affermato in questo territorio. Si deve quindi presumere che Biella e non Torino sia la culla di questo nome. Mi risulta che sicuramente alcuni Garella, che pero non conosco, abitano a Parigi e provengono da Biella. A Caen in Normandia vive un nostro cugino (pronipote di un fratello del bisnonno Serafino). Vi sono inoltre parecchi Garella nel vercellese, che essendo vicino a Biella, potrebbero avere una radice comune, quello che invece non ho mai capito e l'esistenza di questo cognome pure in Sicilia. -- Fernando Garella Garella is a very old name in the Piemonte region of Italy. The first citation of the name dates from 1280 (see above). Aldo Garella (see "Creators" at left) believes that the name is derived from an old dialectical word meaning "he who limps" or "the limper." Not as glamorous as we might have hoped...especially after the childhood torment of being called "Gorilla" (that's right, you weren't the first to think of it). The largest concentration of Garellas in the world is probably in Torino, the capital of the Piemonte region, where you can find all kinds of businesses with the name. Garellas can now be found not only in northern Italy but in Sicily. And we are on the move worldwide--in France, Spain, Europe and across the United States. You want proof? In addition to Italy's Via Garella in Brescia and Strada Garella in Biella, we have Garella Road in Bethel, Connecticut, USA, and even a town of Garella in Indonesia. Do not doubt us again. However we categorically deny that we are secretly shifting the levers of power in ways that others cannot even contemplate. In fact, we come in peace with a message of love and forgiveness for all Earth's peoples.